For the past years, China has been accused for producing and selling many fake products including food. This latest news about fake food from China is quite shocking though—fake rice made out of plastic! Yes, they are now selling fake plastic rice and it is very hard to distinguish when mixed with ordinary rice. News reports suggested that the grains were made by mixing potatoes with industrial synthetic resin. There were also rumors of the “cheap but profitable” rice being exported to other Asian countries, including Singapore, Indonesia, Vietnam, and India.
When raw, the rice is supposedly hard to distinguish, but when cooked—a plastic film forms on top of the rice which can be burnt when heated. According to some victims, the said rice remains hard even when cooked. Health experts are warning people that these grains, if consumed, could cause serious damage to our health.
Though hard to detect when raw, this fake rice can easily be distinguished when cooked. Always check your cooked rice if there is a “plastic film” forming on top of it—that means it is in fact made of plastic.
Source: VIRAL 4 REAL